Saturday, August 7, 2010

Moi DailY SaGa

Itz very ezy to luv sum1 but itz a tonnz difficult to hate dat sum1 or to forgrt ven u saw dat person in frnt of ur eyes daily wit n ignoring attitude n den ur eyes melts n u think iz dis d person whum i love so mch iz dis d person for whum i care so mch n is dis d peron to whum i miss so mch???.
n suddenly my heart says dat keep ur expectations alive n yea den i say i did , i do n i will..!! but it seems to b a freaky joke??? nd yea for many of them reading dis can b true.
In evry aspect of lyf venevr i try to compete i fall thousand times n despair is d gift of destiny left fo meh.. but i stood evry tym with a thot in mind dat dis tym i'll get n now its my time n so on ..n dat so on is in continuation till now :).. n yea derz nothing good happnd wit me till nw but dis approach helps me to face d world every day.
I don’t know whether im a winner or I’m going to win but the thing I kno iz dat I’m not a looser ..!! NEVER GIVUP .. Letzzz ccc Watzz Nxt…!!

Aim of a writer is to write for himself n publish it for money but my aim is to write for myself n publish it for d reader.

Future Enterpenure
Shubham Bisht